Thank You for Your Donation
If you made a donation Thank You so much. You’ll be helping Napa’s Feral Cats & Kittens Live their Best Life. If you didn’t donate, here is your second chance to earn some good Karma. Simply Click the Donate button below.

Tiny the Runt
Tiny is was handfed for 2+weeks and is doing Great!
The Story goes…
Back in Mid-April while doing yard work I discovered a feral mother cat had chosen the back corner of my property to have a litter of 5 Kittens. One of the kittens was the “Brave” one and immediately approached me. I avoided too much contact with them, but when they were about 4wks old I began giving soaked kitten chow as a supplement to mom’s milk. At about 8wks, Mom disappeared depositing her brood in my patio. I began the process of socializing them. 2 of them the Alpha & Beta Males (aka Pyewacket & Deuce) took to human contact right away. The Tabby female (named Tab) followed suit over the next couple of weeks. The other two males are still a work in progress.
Then in Early August Mom returned, only to have another litter of 8. Arrgh! Started socializing them at 10 days old. Currently 6 are friendly and two will reluctantly accept contact.
Now here’s the problem. During the 1st yr of Covid most vets were closed down as was the Humane Society, so the feral cat populations in Napa exploded! With the current level of greed amongst the vets in napa it costs in the neighbourhood of $300 per cat for tests/shots/spay-neuter x 13 cats = $3900. While the county offers “coupons” for theses services they are only good at the Humane Society, which requires you to enter the weekly lottery for an appointment for 1 cat per week. Also the Humane Society will murder any cat or kitten found to have fIV or fLeukemia. Doesn’t seem all that humane to me so… Unlike We Care Animal Rescue a No Kill Facility, who have a section for infected Cats to live out happy lives. This donation page was born to try and help these sweet little kitties live their best lives as well as from desperation at the almost overwhelming number of cats I’m dealing with (13kittens+), and the lack of services for dealing with the expanding feral cat population
To that end I’m in contact with a number of rescue/shelter/adoption organizations to find placement services. The 2nd litter of 8 are too young and too small but should be ready in 4 -6 wks.
1st Litter
The Three Mouseketeers

Pye & Tab
Pyewacket and Tab relaxing on my chair

This is Pyewacket, from the Alpha from the first litter. He’s 5 months old now and turning out to be a great dude!

Deuce kicking it on the bed. He's turned out to be quite the Love Kitten
2nd Litter